Guide to file naming

Fundamental rules and recommendations for creating consistent file names. Methods for organizing projects based on the practices of our studio

How to shoot Distortion Grids

Comprehensive step-by-step guide of how to shoot distortion grids. You will see the most common mistakes, and get links to useful materials that you can find in the description.

Multi-Camera Geometry Tracking

Welcome to an in-depth exploration of Multi-Camera Geometry Tracking Technology! In this video, we'll unlock the mysteries behind this cutting-edge innovation and its incredible applications.

Extract Focal Length

The script allows you to copy the Focal Length curve from the EXR metadata directly to the Curve Editor, as well as to the lens connected to the camera (if the focal length does not change and the curve is not needed, you can just get it from the EXR and write it to Lens).

OpenEXR Metadata Reader

The script allows you to view the metadata of EXR files inside the 3DEqualizer.

Favorite’s Project

The script allows you to save projects to your list and then quickly open them. A kind of implementation of «Recent projects» from other programs in 3DE4

Extract Focus Distance

The script allows you to copy the Focus distance curve from EXR metadata directly into 3DE4 Curve Editor.

Camera Database

The script allows you to find the camera sensor data immediately in 3DEqualizer. With possibility of updating.

Change Setting for Points

The script allows you to change the tracking direction for the 2D point, as well as enable/disable the point to calculate.

Export Camera and Lens data for Nuke

The script allows you to export a camera and a lens for the Nuke simultaneously

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